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Upcoming Event: II Meeting of GCTbA (Zaragoza, Spain, June 27-28, 2023)

  • 13-06-2023

MicruX sponsors the II Scientific Meeting of the Specialized Group in (Bio)Analytical Science and Technologies to be held in Zaragoza, Spain, from June 27th to 28th, 2023. This event will be held within the framework of the XXXIX Biennial Meeting of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistryy (RSEQ), also taking place in Zaragoza from June 25th to 29th, 2023.


The meeting will feature invited lectures, oral presentations, and a poster session. Additionally, the II Edition of the GCTbA Awards will be presented for the Best Doctoral Thesis and Technology Transfer in the field of (Bio)Analytical Chemistry.

Program of the II Meeting of GCTbA [+]

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